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  • Writer's pictureKatie Duerfeldt

Create a Bug Hunt Birthday!

This weekend, we celebrated Hank's 3rd birthday! Currently, he is OBSESSED with bugs. Every day he goes outside and looks for rolley polly's and crickets. With no fear, he goes over to the bugs and picks them right up (then proceeds to show me every single one!). I love that he thinks bugs are so cool.

Needless to say, when we were deciding on a theme for his birthday this year, it HAD to be bugs. I began searching party ideas on Pinterest, as one does when party planning. I liked some of the ideas, but really loved one invitation I saw, which inspired me to proceed over to Canva to create my own!

The invite inspired me to have an activity at the party that actually included a bug hunt. I mean, how fun is that for little kids?? I eventually landed on getting plastic bugs and hiding them in sand for the kids to "hunt". The kids could then take home the bugs that they found as their party favors. (For set up, keep scrolling!)

[PRO TIP: If at all possible, make party favors do double duty as either party decor or activities]

When it came time to search for bug party decor and activities, I headed straight to Amazon. After browsing for a bit, I came across some items that I thought would be PERFECT for our party:

For the food, I decided to go with a bit of a variety. I found some great "Bug Bite" graham crackers on Amazon, grapes (for the healthy folks), juice, fake (and real) mimosas, and DONUTS! (Hank, for some reason, believes that donuts are what people have at their birthday parties.) I also found these cute leaf plates to serve everything on!

If you are local in Norman, we HIGHLY recommend Main Street Donuts!


Items to get:

The bug hunt activity was SUPER easy to set up, and honestly I was AMAZED at how much the kids loved it!

1. Pour 1/2 bag of sand into mixing tub

2. Add plastic bugs

3. Cover up with remaining sand

4. HUNT with shovels and plastic containers

This party was SO much fun! If you have a little who loves bugs, you are going to want to try this out. If you do, leave me a comment and tell me how it went!

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